Friday, February 17, 2017


Using your own set of vaping liquids for better flavors 

Ever since cigarette smoking has been around, so have the banes associated with it. Smoking is dangerous for many different reasons, the biggest one being the contraction of lung cancer disease. This does not even start to enlist the long list of reasons one should not smoke. Not only does smoking cause discoloration of lips and skin, it also causes a massive internal damage to the lungs and the windpipe. It can lead to coughing, wheezing, pulmonary disorders. It is these things that ultimately lead to the evolution of vaping. Vaping is nothing but the use of electronic cigarettes that have a vapor based nicotine source for the user. The absence of tar based smoke eliminates most of the health hazards associated with smoking, whereas the nicotine delivery system stays in place, ensuring the signature high that many people get from smoking.

The negatives of vaping

However, Vaping comes with its own set of bad things. The first one that stands out is the ability of vaping smoke to actually induce some kind of damage if it has been laced with additives. Vaping doesn’t really have a well-rounded industry base to its name, and as a result most of the herbal suspension is made by people form the non-sterile conforms of their homes. As a result, the ejuice in itself has a lot of contaminants that can cause lung damage. It should be noted at this point that the ejuice is quickly absorbed by the pulmonary vasculature and therefore has potential to cause a significant number of blood diseases.

The ultimate solution

One way of going about this is to go ahead and buy only high quality juices that have the dubious distinction of being manufactured in some of the best places and sites in the world. However, the one disadvantage that this method has is that the high end companies that make ejuice are few and far between, and their products might not always be accessible. It takes a great deal of research to even find the company, and even more effort to work out the logistics and delivery. That is why going for the wax to ejuice is the best course of action. By making your own suspension, you can pretty easily ensure the high end quality of the system as well as a good amount of customization. Once you are familiar with the whole process of ejuice making, adding your own flavor to it is a piece of cake.

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